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Corporate acquisitions are not part of my daily routine.
That is why I need a consultant to do that for me

Acquiring a business

Acquiring a business? Do it professionally and avoid taking unnecessary risks. CvB has assisted many businesses in acquisitions and knows that thorough research, a comprehensive strategy, market knowledge, confidentiality and perseverance are extremely important. Experience with similar projects is also very important in order to avoid overpayment and unpleasant surprises after the acquisition.

Selling a business

You may be considering selling or merging your business, due to age or a desire for change.

Acquiring a business

You want to grow faster through acquisition, but how do you find the right company that matches your ambitions?

Family succession

It has to happen sometime. The succession of the business built by you or your family. Family succession is your preference.


Finances are important in business transactions such as sale, purchase or transfer within the family as financing is often required.


The Executive Board works systematically. Our many years of experience have resulted in a unique approach that forms the basis of our services.


How do you do that? What about regulations, taxes, banks, personnel, business plans, how do you get those customers and so on.


Entrepreneurs like to do business with us because we...

Are having knowledge & skills

Offer a total approach

Are experienced & involved

Are transparent & open

Have a large network

Wat onze klanten zeggen

Het CvB heeft de OR van een ziekenhuis in de randstad advies gegeven inzake een voorgenomen overname door een derde partij, zodat zij als OR een gefundeerd oordeel konden geven over deze voorgenomen fusie/overname.

Gezondheidszorg – strategisch advies

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